Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hopefully, a Victory of Sorts

After Anna Peterson and I spoke to the City Council on Monday night, Tony Cuneo (one of the Councilors who voted for the tower) spoke up and thanked us for our presentations. He said that it was obvious that we were not going to give up and that we shouldn't. He also said that, had he known what he knows now, he would've voted no. He went on to say that this has brought awareness to the issue of towers in our community and that they will likely look at future proposals with a greater degree of scrutiny. YAY!! I really feel that we scored one on that note. If from this point forward our Council and Administration spend more time than picking up a rubber stamp, great! I would have loved to see one of the councilors grow a backbone and bring this back up, but I was pretty sure that wouldn't happen. After the meeting we met with a local activist who was attending for another issue. He told us about the Minnesota Environmental Rights Act, Statute 116b. This one is very interesting, and we are feverishly researching case law and the statute. Stay tuned...we might take some legal action soon!


Unknown said...


It is frustrating but in a good way to hear a councilor say I would have voted no if. That said you know that at least the council or at least some of them are listening to your concerns. You can only hope that what they say is true and they will follow what they tell you.

If is frustration however because your like okay now you know the facts that we have why not bring the vote back up?

Great job of keeping this issue in the public eye and that is what you need to do to keep the presure on.

These can be long hard battles I have been in many of them.

Kelly Boed said...

We are not quite done with this one. We are in the process of putting together a legal challenge. It will be filed very soon. We will contact the DNT to let them know so they can get the word out on our lawsuit. I will also update the blogs when we do the actual filing. Onward we go!